Samsung Omnia SGH-i900 *Review*

Real World review...

Yep, the new Samsung Omnia, It has all the bells and whistles one could want! Quad Band, Auto Focus, FIVE MEGAPIXELS!... All of that and HSDPA (Fast Internet where available)
It is a "trying hard to look like an iPhone" shaped / looking device, a bit thinner and a lot cheaper looking... I don't have an iPhone and I'll more than likely not get one, but this ain't even close.

Windows mobile 6.WHATEVER.O ... Office mobile, Push email, Web browsing with tabs, An alarm clock (that failed to wake me up twice!)

Samsung tout it as the "Truly all in one" device... "A truly all in one phone" That's what it says on the box. It has a touch screen, Wi-Fi, FM Radio...

With 8gb internal memory out of the box, you can load some songs on, some videos even - And it plays them well. It sounds good through headphones...

It works fine as a phone, despite the fact that when I transferred all of my contacts across it wouldn't dial anything with a "+" in front of the number for some reason...

Well, all of these "draw cards" you would think that it'd be a no brainer! - Go out and get one kind of review... not so!

I HATE IT... Windows devices just don't get it... You can have ALL the bells and whistles you like, but if the interface of the phone is such that anyone with fingers even slightly thicker than the provided "pointer wand" can't press any of the on screen buttons, then what's the point.

Seriously, despite its shiny case and glimmering screen, I nearly chucked it out of the car window... And, add to that battery performance... My blackberry will last a full day (7am to 7pm) using the GPS / Google maps / GPRS all day... The Omnia lasted about 5 hours until it turned itself off and refused to come back on (saw me lost in the middle of country england!)

Get an iPhone, Get a Blackberry Bold (oh yes! - review coming soon) ....Just don't get a Samsung Omnia... "A truly useless phone"



Anonymous said...

Finally, a real world review! I was a bit bored with those DPS-like reviews lately :P

Sime™ said...

Dear Simon Pollock

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