threesixtyfive | day onefiftythree
Chlo's day onefiftythree...
I was in a band a few years ago, this band... I dug out a CD and a mate from Aus posted it off to chlo... I just pulled out a copy and am having a listen, styles, sounds, even actual instruments have changed since then, but, it's still an OK CD for its time... But then, i'm biased... Feels like it was a lifetime ago...
you can download the whole CD here here
mum | everyone has to love their mum
This is my mother... Say hello...
She says she's gone straight, but, we all know she sitll listens to Pink Floyd whilst watching the ZO FO DRAZIW EHT, backwards... or something...
Mum... High Five
Why'd you have to go...
The last two weeks have been quite trying... We let out a few frustrations and went ***crazy***
***nothing that wasn't already writen off or nil value was harmed in the making of this video***
Can I still come home....
.....Is just a John Mayer lyric, but, for so many people, quite real. Whilst our server was copying data to a "safe place" for the second time in a week Rob and I popped across the road to wish the crazy Spaniard goodbye!... Well, whilst standing "chewing the fat" this homeless guy wanders up.. I gave him three quid, he was polite, he was appreciative. I know that when he said "i'll spend it on food" that he meant crack... I knew that when I said "you have to promise to go buy something to eat" he meant, "yes, i'll buy crack..."
Sad, true... No idea who he was or how long he'll be on this good planet.
Homeless woman with dogs, originally uploaded by Franco Folini.
Well, I wonder what will become of these people that chose to live on the streets, It must be hard... it's cold out there!...
So, It's been a mad week - I should get on with it...
My review of the crumpler bag went up today, I hope you guys like it, or, find it informative...
It has to stop - I should make sure I bet on the lotto - my bad luck MUST be close to "at an end"... surely? TWO server errors [crashes - whatever] ....well, All of that frustration has to come out sometime, somewhere... So, for todays threesixtyfive - instead of a photo, I took a short video... here it is.
Chlo. says:
"Please stay ok Simon... get some sleep or something and try not to stress too much. You're worrying me alot.
And now I am off to participate in a bbq.. oh gosh.
I hope your day goes ok"
Chlo!.. Thanks for your kind words, I was playing football - in the kitchen - with my boss... we were using a threequarters full carton of milk as the ball... The throws got harder and harder until it exploded on the wall... After working for 24hrs, one needs this kind of release... we're just lucky we weren't playing in the server room I guess!... i'll be ok... xx
"tip some milk in your day"
Aint over till the...
So, dead files, corrupt array, stuffed second array... What does all this mean?... TIRED SUPPORT STAFF!
It's 06:21am on Friday morning... My eyes are heavy and I have a whole day ahead of me... I should be curled up in a warm bed at this point... I'm not, i'm at my desk... I need a break from staring at a screen.
I think quote of the morning goes to me... "look, if we just set the building on fire, they won't notice they can't get to their files?..."
man down...
...server down!
Rob had to rush in and put me out with a fire extinguisher tonight. One of our servers was on fire...[I wish it REALLY was]...well, ok, it wasn't on fire, but it has died a large sized death... 240 people.. no files... backup looking dodgy... not happy jan...
well - watch this space, I may need a job after tomorrow.... not because the backup strategy was my job, but, becuase I may JUST NEED A JOB ANYONE PLEASE!... ok, 03:16am and still here at work. break's over... [quote Sting] ...Ciao for now!