i'm going to MacDonalds...

I thought about the ingredients of fast food for a while, and then I thought... urm, I like the taste of it - i'll still eat it... Am I one of the 9000 people living in the UK surveyed about fastfood? Ah, no...

You can have a look at the MacD's food guide HERE..

Meanwhile, back at the ranch... We have a brief threesixtyfive page started here with some interesting facts being loaded onto it now'ish... Well, when I get time tonight most likely...

Sunday, threesixtyfive theme is "resolutions" who has a new years resolution? I did.. I think I'd stuffed it on day two [ride bike to work - fail] [stop drinking coffee - fail] ...I have a "new" ne years resolution... forget new years resolutions...

New Music... who's got some "new music suggestions" for me? email them to simon@gtvone.com and i'll pop my brief, no pulled punches review on here... like you care!.. ha..

Sony Ericsson K850i... Having used this phone for a couple of months now, I can sum it up in ten words or less... "if you want a crap phone, get one"

Leap Year... go jump...

Photo of the day | BigCrustyApes new years resolution
threesixtyfive day: 110

Resolutions Sunday

I'd really like to get back to eating a little healthier and the second part of the resolution is to cook some new things this year


Anonymous said...

i'm with nath, gotta shed pounds before wedding

my nye res was to ride to work, busted as it's going to be in high 30c all week.


Anonymous said...

Dude.. it's McDonalds, not MacDonalds.. hehe.
Wow I haven't had Maccas for aaaages!