Is this you? amusing website I stumbled across whilst looking for some facts on the London Underground...

Well, is it you?....


Anonymous said...

Amelie eat your heart out!!!

Sime™ said...

yeah - weird hey!...

Anonymous said...

If they don't find their photos on that site they are probably in my house. I've been collecting lost photos for years and have a nice collection. Can't believe I admitted that publicly!

Sime™ said...

I can, and now I want to see some of them and scan them in and put them on here... come on, cough up!... you know where to send them to....

Anonymous said...

OK. Will bring the lost souls in?!!! But I don't want to put them on that site. They are mine!!! My own private collection. They are all sitting happily together in my bucket with sand (don't ask, will explain!).