one of those moods...

Yeah, so I get hayfever (yes, i'm rambling.. so bugger off now or sit down and shut up)..oh, and i'm in a bad mood... (hayfever!) So, beck is singing to me and i'm enjoying it (doesn't happen often) so, something must be wrong... I get in these odd moods every now and then, this is one of them, `i'm hungry but I dont know what I want to eat, i'm aching but I can't pin point where, i'm annoyed and I have no idea why... but, you get that? right?..Hayfever, I get it bad enough that it makes me want to break my nose in the hope that I could drag out the bad itchy particles (well, what would you call them?!) Right... food


Back later...

LATER... SO, Lucy, have you finished your coffee yet? (A picture I took a while back, just saw it in an old section I don't visit any more and thought i'd bring her back out into the sunlight...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's a cute kid. Must have some exceptional looking parents...!