Slip slidin' away...

Life has changed a lot over the last ten years. Was talking to a good mate tonight, about old times. People change, feelings change, places even change... memories that you had of somewhere the way a place or a sound or a person made you feel - all change.

All change...

I need a coffee.

I have a headache.

I have not ridden my bike for two weeks, hell, I dont even know if it is still out the back...

I am overweight, ok, not overweight... but bigger than i'd like..

Has anyone ever seen !lashes stop traffic"....?!... maybe, its maybeline... "THIS NEWS JUST IN: Traffic on the M25 is backed up due to an OVERTURNED LASH TRUCK"...yeah.....not

Bernard singing Evie - shivers (Part two)

Here is part one by Nic Cester CLICK
Here is part three by Phil Jamieson LICK



Pasky Jr said...

A few things - you need to get out more, the stuff you find to load onto this is quite scary. I'm sure you could use that time more productively - ie riding your bike? and on that - why on earth would you want to ride a push bike? A motorbike I can understand... I've decided I've gotta get me one of those, not happy with the 45 minutes it takes me to get to work these days since I moved to the 'burbs..... *sigh*

Sime™ said...

- slap -