Art... what is art?


MrNathan has a thought provoking post up at the mo'... Art or Vandalism - and the image that goes with it is some graffiti... what is art to you, is graffiti art?... email me your version of ART to post...
.....Art or Graffiti
Well - here is someone calling some wall painting graffiti and I sortof agree... BECAUSE it doesn't inspire me one little bit... not to do anything, not even clean it off...(yes, i'm aware there is a KANGAROO painted on the wall... i'll love them again when I move home.. and it aint gunna be because of CHIPS!)

I think THIS is one of my faves... (thx J)

so, it's subjective, it's personal, it's what you make it when you see it, it's the mood you're in when you see it...


Pasky Jr said...

art is like beauty - it is in the eye of the beholder

Sime™ said...

K* take that Banksy and frame it? | gotta love some banksy.